Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 1- Hola! ¿Rioja for breakfast, anyone?

 OK, so right off the bat I can see that it's gonna be tough to lose twenty pounds on this trip.
First stop on foreign soil is in Madrid, Espana. The airport itself is a work of art- see solarized ceiling- but the business class lounge for Iberia Airlines is a throwback to the good old days of glamorous and fattening air travel. So at 2AM body time and 8AM local time, I feel great after a shower and 2 cappucinos.

Solarized ceiling- Madrid Airport
brought to you by my Droid-
Who needs Photoshop?

Karl on 2 hours of sleep (and no alcohol)

¿Rioja or anything else alcoholic for breakfast, anyone¿

No, it's not surround sound. It's a shower!

"Beverly Hillbillies Do Madrid"
Note to self: Bring extra bungee cords next time

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